When it comes to“chuxi”, which is the day right before the Spring Festival, family members gather around and enjoy the New Year's Eve dinner. The rich festive atmosphere ...
时间:2月18日起 每周二-周日晚19:00-21:00 地点:曙光路59号 小百花越剧场 门票价格:180/360/580元 资料/Hangzhoufeel、China Daily 文字/刘益梅、金盈盈、陆骁、刘靖怡 原标题:《Enjoy ...
As Spring Festival is coming, are you getting ready for it? 春节快到了,你准备好了吗? So just tell me about your plan. 请告诉我你的计划吧。 那么,春节有哪些活动呢?简单聊一下...
春节、中秋、端午等传统节日正以其独特的魅力吸引着越来越多的外国游客。来中国过节,中国节日已成为入境游的新亮点。 老外爱上中国节 今年春节,中国旅游的一大亮点就是有越来越多的外国游客选择到中国过节,感受浓郁而热烈的传统中国年味儿。 秦始皇帝陵博物院、华清宫...
In China, different places have their own traditions and activities to celebrate the Spring Festival. Beijing, Guangzhou, Xian and Pingyao are some good places to go if one...
更多内容请点击:Customs of Chinese New Year丨“老外”过春节习俗指南